(646) 899-0993

Training Classes


Comprehensive Outline
This complete training consists of a two part series.
Part I is a 2 hour course giving a basic outline on the most prevelant non-traditional business financing programs.
Part II is a 4 hour course going in depth on more complex financing strategies.
Our online and in person classes are comprehensive, and practical real world lessons designed specifically for professionals that are finding solutions for clients, or finance professionals working directly with companies structuring comprehensive financing structures for their own project.
​Session I
Market Overview
How Technology is Driving Todays Lending Environment
Peer to Peer Lending
Direct Lenders
Cash Advance
Crowd Funding
Non-Bank Financing
Is it Practical or Predatory?
Asset Based Financing
Specialty Finance
SBIC/CDVCA Financing
Session II
New Forms of Financing
Project Based Financing
Foreign Direct Investment EB-5
New Market Tax Credits
Other Tax Credits Available
Commercial Real Estate Underwriting 101
Types lending platforms
Sources of Capital
Case Studies & Combining Strategies
$21 Million Development Project
A Practical Framework to Using Multiple Financing
Sources and Structures in the Capital Stack
Training Session I Only
Training Session II Only